Streamline's HT Multi-Layer Anterior Zirconia Crown, Bridge and Onlays are high translucent multi-layer full contour Zirconia with 30% more flexural strength than e.Max and aesthetics that rival hand layered porcelain. It is ideally suited for the anterior of the mouth and can be used for either single units or bridges up to 3 units.
- Scanned and milled with cutting edge scanners allowing Streamline to offer Zirconia at PFM prices
- HT Layered Zirconia is milled in a 5 axis milling system equipped with a microscope capable of magnifying the die up to a factor of 32 to ensure marginal integrity
- With no metal substructure, Zirconia restorations prevent dark gingival graying
- Fabricated using state-of-the-art CAD/CAM technologies ensuring superior marginal fit
- Resin cements for short or over tapered preparations (RelyX Unicem, 3M ESPE; Panavia V5 or Panavia SA Kuraray)
- Resin-reinforced glass ionomer cement (RelyX Luting Cement, 3M ESPE; GC Fuji Plus, GC America)
- 9 Days in Lab with Rush Options Available